Our Story

Brief History of Our Logo
Mayahuel, the goddess of maguey (agave) in Aztec mythology, embodies more than just the nurturing spirit of a plant; she symbolizes the profound intertwining of culture, sustenance, and spirituality.
Our Philosophy
In 1993, a group of friends and family in Amatitán, Jalisco, who were involved in agave cultivation, decided to come together to establish a tequila factory. At that time, large companies were not buying their product. None of them had any industrial experience, but they entrusted Dr. Francisco Partida Hernández with the responsibility of being the representative and director of tequila production and the growth of the factory.

Buen Motivo
In 1996, Dr. Francisco finally found the perfect location to build the factory, which is now known as Metlalli S.A. de C.V., meaning “land of agaves.” Construction was completed in 1997, and the first production was launched. To commemorate this achievement, they registered the tequila brand we now know as Buen Motivo in February 2012. The name stems from the saying “un buen motivo para calebrar” meaning “a good reason to celebrate.” This premium tequila, which we now enjoy, is 100% agave, and 100% artisanal.